Here's Apple's e-mail thread about a 7-inch iPad
may not have a 7-inch version of the iPad available, but a newly
unearthed piece of evidence shows the company's top brass was into the
This made up just a very small part of a cross-examination of Scott Forstall, Apple's head of iOS software at Apple, but it was enough to get the attention of just about everyone here.
At the heart of it is proof that some of the top executives at Apple were pursuing an alternate, smaller tablet -- something controversial given late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs' acerbic, on-the-record comments about smaller tablets following the release of the company's first iPad. Jobs was known to flip-flop on major ideas, and misdirect about potential business avenues, though his comments about smaller tablets suggested the company would never go that direction.
That's not the impression one gets from the e-mail exchange below, between Eddy Cue, head of Apple's Internet software and services, and top executives regarding a story in GigaOm entitled "Why I just dumped the iPad (Hint: Size Matters)":
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